Monday, December 26, 2005
happy (that it's over) holidays?
But still, to end the year weighing 66 lbs less than I did when I started is an accomplishmnet, so I'll take it.
As for keeping things clean, it's really hard, but I try not to let it get me down. Trying to get routines down help, because if you have a routine, you KNOW you're gonna clean that part again tomorrow anyways. I mostly try to enjoy whatever IS clean while it is clean lol
I don't make resolutions, but I do plan on returning to my more strict eating style after the holidays are done and gone. I'm also going to figure out a new goal for my birthday, and hope to hit it :)
Monday, December 12, 2005
i am still flying, but not in the totally great way i was. my house is not a disaster but always in a state of flux. i miss my old habits and routines. i slept better, felt better about myself, and was just generally DOING better.
i am trying to get back on track. my son is potty training and that is pretty hard to cope with. Autism and potty training are a recipe for insanity. However, i'm working on it. Things will be patchy with me until the new year. This time of year is just nuts. However at that point i will be putting a HUGE amount of my time and energy into getting back into the healthy habits and routines i had established. And, creating new ones.
Congratulations Dawn... i admire you and your willpower so much.
yay, got rid of that damned plateau
I'm going to be posting some new recipes on My Tasty Space that I've been using with great success - one of them is from a recipe card I picked up at a Super Walmart and was fantastic. Even the kids loved it.
I went to the walmart where I used to work yesterday and a former co-worker says to me "god, every time I see you, it seems you're losing weight!" I said "67 pounds & counting!". She asked what hubby thought of this, and I told her he doesnt' care either way - he's happy with the way I was, but he's proud of the changes I've made... and that's an awesome feeling.
I've also quit taking those damned birth control pills, and I've got some feeling back in some of those places I didn't have any feelings in, so things are really turning around! Yay for me!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Well, I'm back
So, here I am. I've lost a total of 67-66-65 lbs - I say that becuase I've been waffling between 213 and 215 for weeks now. It's driving me CRAZY! I have been slowing adding the carbs back - not in the usual amounts, not by a LONG shot. But I will have a slice of bread every once in a while, which I've figured out to slice in half the hard way and make a sandwich with! It's amazing what that does to your head, not feeling like you're missing out quite so often.
I admit I don't get much exercise now. It's just too damned cold here to go walking. But I will be happy to just maintain through these darned holidays and feel like I've achieved something on the other side. And hey, 65 lbs is nothing to sneeze at, right?
I love the fact that my clothes are too big LOL I haven't had as dramatic a size drop as angel had, but hey, I bought a size 20 pair of "stretch" jeans for myself the day after thanksgiving and they fit! I thought "Well, I'll save these until I can fit into them" - hubby said "Try them on" so I did and HEY!!! They fit! They're fitted, so you can see my legs, and it makes me feel better than the other jeans that I was so psyched to finally get into! Those aren't stretch, so when I did fit into them, I was really excited. I hadn't worn them in 10 years! I haven't been below 220 lbs in 10 years. I really am proud of myself, even if I do cheat every once in a while. But I'm not going to go back to the way I/we used to eat, and I think that's the most important thing of all.
Even though Subway and Quiznos is calling me BIG TIME lately. lol
Last night, I was putting on some eye liner, getting ready to go out to my munch and realized that my face had changed. I can see my cheekbones. I can see my jaw bone! My glasses don't rest on my face anymore - just on my nose. "This is COOL!" I thought.
As for flying, I'm still doing pretty good. I do have my days when I just don't have the energy to do anything. I think that had something to do with the health problems and whatnot, and I'm trying to take care of those too. I've stopped taking the Pill, and am hoping that will help. I've started taking my St. John's Wort again, in hopes that that'll help too. It always used to. But my house isn't in CHAOS, so that's something. I washed the floors yesterday, which did take a toll on my back, but it was sorely needed. I cleaned our downstairs bathroom, which honestly was disgusting. I never clean it because it's disgusting LOL Well, now it's manageable and I'll try to remember to swish & swipe whenever I go in there. The tree is up, most of the presents are bought and I'm actually impatient with the markets because they don't have their Christmas hams on sale yet LOL Then I stopped and thought...w ait, this is only dec. 7th LOL
So, I love the Flylady and I'm so grateful for having found her. I am glad that the routines are sticking with angel, who is having a really rough time with her potty-training son, so I hope when she has a free moment to post here, she'll update us on her work too.
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you'll be back :)
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
An update from me
Anyways, I'm up to 58 lbs, thanks to a LOVELY, LOVELY bout of lactose intollerance yesterday (3 lbs in one day!), and 56.25 inches. For the most part, I feel good, though I've not been getting nearly enough exercise. With it getting dark so early now, it's hard to get out and get it done, along with dinner. So this weekend, I got this exercise machine off of Freecycle and I'm hoping it'll help. I'd really prefer a treadmill, though, so I'll keep a lookout anyways.
In the area of flying, I've been a bad flybaby. My house is still manageable, but thanks to THREE inspections last week, only 1 of which actually happened, I had a few marathon cleaning sessions. I'm trying to get back into my 15 minute intervals though, and will do so today. I might be getting company this weekend, so I'd like the house to look like it did last week. Of course, a weekend, a birthday for my son and my 18 hr. interlude with my hateful body did alot to undo what I've done. I've also got a ton of laundry to do. UGH!!
So, that's me for now. Oh, and I have posted more recipes over at My Tasty Space!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Hi everyone
My eating has gotten better. Hubby & I are trying to keep each other motivated, and we're constantly looking for new recipes, etc. to do this right. He looks so good, as he's lost about 25 lbs here & there in the last 4 months and I know he feels better. I'm up to 48 lbs lost and am quite proud of myself. I was worried, because I started on a medication last week that says may cause weight gain, but it didn't. Woohoo!
I've been posting recipes on my recipe site, in case anyone needs some motivation. Angel & I are gonna start flying again today, I hope, and that'll help me get my house in better shape. We're going into the holidays soon, ladies, and it's so MUCH easier to do when your house is happy :)
I am sorry that we seem to have lost Kay and perhaps millie? I wish they'd post and let us know how they're doing. *poke nudge*
Well, that's it for me for now. Have a great week, ladies!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Hey - I'm not dead after all!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Checking IN
I have lost again and am now back down to 210. It seems to be the number I am stuck on, but I have regressed in my water. I will try to kick it back up because trust me ladies, I have learned the importance of water. One little trick I learned to make it go down easier, is to add a bit of lemon to it, makes it so much better.
Well, hope to hear from all of you soon, hope all is going well.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
OK, I'm here again
ok, I'm back. So this morning, I've posted 2 more recipes to Tasty Space, updated my photo blog, my other blog and now this one. I've just done my measurements and I'm happy to say I'm up to 41 inches lost. I notice it in places like my hips where my nightgown use to get stuck, now it hangs! I love that! Of course, all my clothes are too big for me, but I don't want to even bother buying stuff now. I'll just keep waiting a bit longer LOL
It IS nice, though. I tried on a dress that I'd bought for my sister's wedding 5 years ago. It barely fit then, but I managed. It had been in my closet that long because I never wore it again. Well, now it fits! It buttons down to the bottom, so those of you who have any weight on you KNOW that buttons always tell the truth. That's why I never wore it again. Now it falls perfectly and it's so pretty. I'm glad I hung on to it.
So anyways, I feel better today, even with this stupid rain and impending visit of my ex husband. We've remained friends, so I don't mind him visiting. I mind the lousy weather and the change of all our "outdoor" plans that will inevitably take place now. I actually VOLUNTEERED to go mountain biking! *pout*
Anyways, I hope all my fellow flybabies are ok. Angel told me Millie was in the way of Ophelia, so I hope that her & her family are ok. Kay, where are you? C'mon, please participate! :)
Monday, September 12, 2005
Hello ladies
I've been holding my own as far as my weight. I haven't managed to lose much, but I havent' gained back, so I figure that's gotta be something. I've been cooking healthy, but cheating on snacks like crazy. This weekend while shopping, hubby took the time to look at a million different labels to find some decent snacking options for us, because yes, he's joined me on this, even though he doesn't need to. :)
We found that popcorn can be a good choice, if we haven't over-extended ourselves on carbs for the day. Also, yummmmy honey-roasted peanuts! Woohoo.
So anyways, I've been flying somewhat. Some things I've let slide. I've been working a lot longer than 15 minutes at a time. I know I haven't been drinking enough. Sigh. I'm still doing more than I used to, but I know I should be doing more. At least now, with my "new" hubby, I'm getting alot more help, so that makes it easier. But it also makes it easier for me to slack off. LOL Ya just can't win, huh? :)
Well, that's my update. I'm hoping for good news at my ultrasound next week (NO, I'm not pregnant!), and that'll do wonders for my frame of mind, I have no doubt.
Till next time,
Fluttering once more
Dawn, I do know the frustration and isolation that you are feeling right now. I have been making a huge effort to post. I don't have a scale, and I've never done my stats simply because I have yet to have an hour where Chris and I are both availible to do that. When we do, we are sleeping.
As always, I am making huge efforts to drink my daily alloted amount of water. A struggle, but I am managing to get close, if not meet it each day.
Hope to hear from everyone soon.
Friday, September 09, 2005
New Weight, plea for help
i am spiraling out of control. my house is getting messy, i'm exhausted, and i'm cheating on my diet. i'm not posting here as a should, or keeping my fitday, or doing my measurements. i need some support. Anyone have some time? i could use a flyconfab and some gentle nudging.
The doc is not happy with me. The shrink that is. i'm about 2 steps out of the loony bin. i desperately need to get back on track. If anyone is interested in getting rolling again, i would love it.
Hope you guys are well. i give my full support to you all, and would love to speak with you guys. Missing you.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Good Morning Ladies
Not much got done this weekend because I had to go to my inlaws and replace the front passenger side breaks on my van. Now I think I am going to have to fix the ones on the driver's side as well. I hate working on vehicles.
Well, I am holding steady at 220 right now. Not losing, not gaining. Guess it's the best that I can do. Of course, I am still struggling with the wretched water, but, it has gotten much better since I discovered that I really do like water with lemons in it.
Anyway, hope all is well with everyone. Hopefully we'll see some updates soon.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Nasty bug...
Anyway, I've not really been exercising (unless you count olympic level coughing). I did, however, drag myself out of bed yesterday, make said bed, clean the den, and change the cat litter. I'm limping along on an injured wing here, but I'm still fluttering!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Anyway, I want to say a big thank you for letting me join the blog, and I hope I'll be an asset here.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Don't give up
Our financial situation is pretty dire right now so once more I am going to be taking extra hours at work. Not as many as before, but, it means I will be working 6 days a week instead of just 5. Chris and I are trying to work out an agreement that will allow me to change my schedule a bit so that I am not feeling like I am drowning with accomplishing nothing.
Dawn, don't let it get you down. Even if you did gain back a few pounds, it happens. Sometimes we will gain and sometimes we will lose. We have to remember that eating healthy and excersising is going to benifit us in many other ways.
Speaking of which. A couple of years ago, they had "Office Aerobics" for people who worked in offices. It was things they could do while stuck in a chair. I have looked and can not find anything on this, so if anyone has any information about it or can recall what some of the techniques were I'd surely appreciate it as I am stuck in a chair almost 10 hours a day and I'm sure that doesn't help my weight.
On the plus side, this makes three days in a row that I've posted and I am falling into an easy pattern. I have decided to put blogging as one of my morning routines since I have the extra time and access to the net.
My darling Chris and crew have really bucked up to pick up the slack. It's been great, well, other then the laundry that needs to be put away something fierce. It is spilling down the hallway. Every day I tell myself I will get to it when I get home but because of my lack of sleep and not wanting to doze off at work, I end up taking a nap. Seriously, I need to get new hours at work, this is killing me.
Well, would love to hear how the rest of you are doing, even if you don't post stats. I am hoping this weekend to have Chris measure me since he bought me a new tape measure!
My stats this week
I'll be posting some new recipes over at My Tasty Space as soon as I'm done with this. We've been trying a few new things and they've been really good. Keep up the good work, ladies! I've been flying, though not as much as usual. We had a setback last week in the form of some annoyance in our house, but that's been taken care of, and also I'm back on my regular sleep schedule, so that'll help with the total lack of energy, which resulted in me saying "oh the hell with it, it looks good enough".
Here's my update for this week:
Dawn- Starting weight: 280 Current Weight: 241
DAWN | 6/2 | 8/3 | 8/10 | 8/17 | 8/23 | 8/31 | Total |
Bust | 54 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 49 | 5 |
Waist | 50 | 47.5 | 47.5 | 47 | 46.5 | 46 | 4 |
Hips | 64 | 60 | 59.5 | 59.5 | 58.5 | 58 | 6 |
L Thigh | 28.5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 24.5 | 24.25 | 4.25 |
R Thigh | 28.5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 24.25 | 24.25 | 4.25 |
L Calf | 20 | 19 | 19 | 18.75 | 18.75 | 18.75 | 1.25 |
R Calf | 20.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 18.75 | 18.75 | 18.75 | 1.75 |
L Arm | 16.5 | 13.0 | 12.75 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 4 |
R Arm | 15.5 | 13.5 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 2.5 |
Neck | n/a | 14.5 | 14.25 | 14.25 | 14.25 | 14 | 1 |
Middrift | n/a | 51 | 50 | 49 | 49 | 47.5 | 3.5 |
Total Loss | 2 | 2.5 | 2.75 | 2.75 | 3.5 | 37.5 |
*I've deleted june & july just to make the table smaller and more readable :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Not much is being done around my home, if you read my blog, you'll already know that there has been a death in my family that I am struggling with.
I will be going back to work today, but it has come to my attention that the three hours I spend waiting for Chris while he's in school can be sent accessing my blogs through the school's computers. Hopefully this will make it easier for me to post on days when he has classes.
We spent last evening at my mother in laws doing laundry. It is all washed and dried and all of the kids have put away their stuff. Now I just need to put away our stuff and the towels and sheets.
The real point of bringing that up though was because we had dinner at her house and she made one of the best roasts I've had in a long time. Here is what she threw in the crockpot.
Italian Roast Beef
3# Pot roast (beef works best)
2 packages of dry "Zesty Italian Dressing"
3c water
Vegtables of choice (we had carrots, potatoes and bell peppers)
Throw everything in together. We took the meat and shredded it and used it on buns for sandwiches, mainly to spread out what she had intended as a meal for two into an great meal for seven. It cooked for roughly 7 hours and when we walked in the house smelled heavenly, not to mention how tender and flavorful the meat itself was. Great quick meal.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
A welcome and update.
My posting has been rather lacking of late. I am suffering from serious health problems, going in and out of the hospital.
At the moment I am recovering from dental surgery where they went in to remove 4 teeth. I am so infected that they almost didn't pull it, which means that I have been on heavy antibiotics as well as pain killers. Makes for a very drowsy Nikki.
I have however, managed to fly a little every day. Even if it is as simple as vacuming the living room.
Sadly, I have gained back another three pounds that I had lost, which takes me up to seven regained.
I hope everyone else is doing better then I am at the moment.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Welcome Sassy
i can't wait to see you around and see you in your first fly confab! Good for you!
Friday, August 26, 2005
This week's stats, a lil late
Here's my update for this week:
Dawn- Starting weight: 280 Current Weight: 239.5
DAWN | 6/2 | 8/3 | 8/10 | 8/17 | 8/23 | Total |
Bust | 54 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 3 |
Waist | 50 | 47.5 | 47.5 | 47 | 46.5 | 3.5 |
Hips | 64 | 60 | 59.5 | 59.5 | 58.5 | 5.5 |
L Thigh | 28.5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 24.5 | 4 |
R Thigh | 28.5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 24.25 | 4.25 |
L Calf | 20 | 19 | 19 | 18.75 | 18.75 | 1.25 |
R Calf | 20.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 18.75 | 18.75 | 1.75 |
L Arm | 16.5 | 13.0 | 12.75 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 4 |
R Arm | 15.5 | 13.5 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 2.5 |
Neck | n/a | 14.5 | 14.25 | 14.25 | 14.25 | .75 |
Middrift | n/a | 51 | 50 | 49 | 49 | 2 |
Total Loss | 2 | 2.5 | 2.75 | 2.75 | 32.5 |
*I've deleted june & july just to make the table smaller and more readable :)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Another Flybaby!!
Welcome to our growing community, sassy - I hope you find as much comfort and support here as we all have.
We'll need your description for your flybaby doll, and your stats :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I've been sorta flouncing my way around. This weekend was pretty good, as I kept on top of most things, sorta. I've been terribly distracted by my man, which is a wonderful thing... but I'm trying to balance everything.
HE washed the dishes for me like 3 times this weekend!!!!
He's learning to fly. He's picking up after himself! He's being an awesome help to me.
In other news, yesterday, I managed to vacuum the upstairs rooms, clean up my room and the bathroom. We started homeschooling again yesterday, so my mornings are pretty occupied, but I'm trying! :)
Honey says the house looks great :) What a difference a day makes.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Today's Accomplishments
But, i still managed to get a hell of a lot done.
Today i:
* Made the beds
* Did the dishes
* Folded two loads of laundry and put them in their appropriate rooms
* Washed a load of laundry and dried it
* Polished my furniture
* Washed down my coffee table
* Wiped down my kitchen surfaces
* Cleaned the doors on my refridgerator
* Cleaned all the glass in my house including tvs, glass doors on entertainment center, computer monitor and mirrors
* Cleaned my bathroom (breaking the back of the toilet in the process and cutting my hand dammit)
* Vaccumned my floors
* Cooked breakfast and dinner
* Got Bkid off for his first day of school
* Filled out my fitday
* Blogged
i also went with J to the city i weigh in and tried to get a car. (Didn't work out) Paid back my loan. And, shopped for clothes.
All in all a very productive day. But, i admit, i desperately missed the other flybabies.
How's it going for you guys?
Friday, August 19, 2005
i have busted butt in the house for the last couple days. i still have a lot to do, but it's much better. Hubby even got rid of a bunch of old papers for me :) i have got to get the house in tip top shape by the 30th. that's the first night of my sign language class.
on a romantic front, Hubby is taking me out on a date tomorrow night :D i don't know where we are going or what we are going to do. guess we will decide when we get to where we are going.
it's time for me to get up and get busy around here. keep up the good work everyone!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Yes, she still lives
Now to toot my own horn I am proud of myself. While I haven't done a whole lot, I have continued to make my bed every morning/afternoon (not a morning person ya know!), and keep my house uncluttered. Those places that I uncluttered in the first place at least. I have cooked dinner EVERY night this week. Did ya hear that? EVERY DAMN NIGHT. AND, it didn't kill me! Dawn, your crockpot chicken thighs were great! Thanks so much for that tip. The laundry has stayed caught up too!
Best thing in a way was the boys spending six weeks with anal step-monster. I think those poor things were indentured servants! BUT, they came home with their routine. They make their beds, put their clothes in our nifty new three slotted hamper, pick up after themselves, do dishes and Joshua even peeled potatoes for me! Guess I need to send her a thank you note. NOT. It's ok for me to have them do this, but not her! lol.
We are leaving for Florida tomorrow so I will be gone for a week. But, never fear, I'll be back. Hope everyone has a great week.
Weigh in... finally
Drumroll please!
i now weigh 244!!! YAY! i've lost 36 pounds! Everybody dance!
Now if i could just stop shaking from listening to Bkid scream for 3 hours, i'd be in good shape. i haven't done squat on my house today and i'm probably not going to. i just want to scream myself. So... resting.
Today i:
bathed and dressed to my collar.
That's about it.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
me this week
Here's my update for this week:
Dawn- Starting weight: 280 Current Weight: 245
DAWN | 6/2 | 7/15 | 7/20 | 7/26 | 8/3 | 8/10 | 8/17 | Total |
Bust | 54 | 52 | 52 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 3 |
Waist | 50 | 48.5 | 48.5 | 47.5 | 47.5 | 47.5 | 47 | 3 |
Hips | 64 | 61 | 61 | 61 | 60 | 59.5 | 59.5 | 4.5 |
L Thigh | 28.5 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 3.5 |
R Thigh | 28.5 | 27 | 25.5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 3.5 |
L Calf | 20 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 18.75 | 1.25 |
R Calf | 20.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 18.75 | 1.75 |
L Arm | 16.5 | 13.5 | 13.25 | 13.25 | 13.0 | 12.75 | 12.5 | 4 |
R Arm | 15.5 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 13.5 | 13 | 13 | 2.5 |
Neck | n/a | 15 | 15 | 14.5 | 14.5 | 14.25 | 14.25 | 1.25 |
Middrift | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 51 | 50 | 49 | 2 |
Total Loss | 4.5 | 2.75 | 4.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.75 | 30.25 |
*I've deleted june just to make the table smaller and more readable :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Update Finally
Neck: 14
Bust: 45.5
Waist: 42.5
Hips: 48.5
L Thigh: 23.25
R Thigh: 23.75
L Arm: 13.75
R Arm: 14
And, today i:
washed two loads of laundry, cooked dinner, did up all the dishes, washed the sheets and remade the beds, cleaned up the kitchen and living room, wiped down the kitchen surfaces and cleaned the coffee table, and put out my hotspots.
Monday, August 15, 2005
I have not been flying as much as I should sadly. I go to work, come home long enough to eat something and then go back, when I get home Chris and I go directly to our room for some quiet time and we watch an episode of 24 then go to bed, get up and start over.
As most of you know, I have also been having some problems with my stomach. Early last week I was doing really well and felt normal for the first time in years. I was drinking my alloted 80-100 ounces of water and taking my medication regularly. I am still doing that, but for some reason I have become seriously nuaseated, yet, feel hungry ALL the time. Not just a feeling of hunger, but, a deep, gnawing hunger that has been making my stomach cramp. So, I eat. I feel better for just a little while, not more then 20-30 minutes, then I feel it again. It's effecting my sleep pattern and I am becoming depressed by it.
I have gained 4 pounds back.
I know it shouldn't bother me so much but it does. I am doing everything I am supposed to. I am following the doctors orders to a T. I am supposed to feel better, not worse.
Here is what I did today, will probably update later in the day.
1. Put away all the clean dishes
2. Washed all the dirty dishes
3. Swept the kitchen floor
4. Washed and dried all the laundry
Getting ready to take both me and Chris to the dentist. I can not tell you how much I loathe this. Maybe I can find a way to get out of the appointment Chris made for me. Any suggestions would be helpful.
By the way, you guys are doing great! Keep up the good work.
*sets music on, slips on shoes, heads off to fly*
Friday, August 12, 2005
This week's stats
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Yesterday i:
*ran the dishwasher
*hand washed the pans
*wiped down the kitchen surfaces
*picked everything up in the kitchen
*washed down the coffee table
*feather dusted
*picked up everything in the living room
*did 3 loads of laundry
*made the beds
*cleaned the bathroom
*bathed, dressed to the collar, and sorta fixed my hair
*filled out my fitday
*made lunch and dinner
*paid the gas bill
AND, most importantly, didn't strangle Bkid.
Hello ladies
This year, we're going to try working with unit studies. These are different than what we've done in the past, and I'm hoping they're going to help us both stay focused. The first 3 years have been difficult, with teaching him to read. But now that he's got that down pretty well, we're ready to move on! I'm psyched, I really am. And I'm also going to begin my 2 yr old daughter on a sort of pre-school program to keep her occupied while I work with my son. I don't have any preconceived notions that by the end of the school year, she'll KNOW this stuff, but I figure if it's instilled early enough, maybe it won't be so bad when it really comes time. I did the same thing with my son, and so he knew his alphabet & numbers very early on. As I said, I'm so proud of them both.
So, if I don't post as much as I usually do, you'll know why. Getting these unit studies together and keeping the house, kids and hubby happy is certainly a full-time job. Add that in with my extracurricular activities and watch out! :)
Oh, and I FINALLY lost that one damned pound I've been working on for 2 WEEKS!! I've officially lost 30 lbs now :D *doing the happy dance*
Yay :D
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My Day
THEN, I made my grocery order (online like a good snothead!)WEG, vacuumed the bedrooms, upper hall and downstairs, cleaned up the bathrooms and of course made my bed! I will admit, a made bed looks nice even if we don't have to die for bedroom furniture!
I am seriously thinking of trying a Jazzercise class. I used to do it and loved it. I just worry it will make my knee hurt worse. I'm thinking that possibly sitting at the computer for so long with my legs under me or standing for 10 hours in work is what the problem is. Maybe I just need so good stretching or something.
The first week is free so I have nothing to lose. Just a matter of getting my lazy ass over there. I can't decide if I should do it now, then have to break when we go to Florida in two weeks or just wait until school starts and I am up early every day.
Hope everyone is having a good week. Two more days until our honeymoon period ends and the terrorists come home!
Dawn's day
- got dressed to shoes
- cooked, roasted, fried (burned) a bunch of zucchini & eggplant
- made breakfast, lunch & dinner
- reworked my template for my other blog
- fixed photoshop!
- washed down the walls in mine & my son's rooms where the two yr old has tracked
- vacuumed our bedrooms and hall
- swished & swiped the bathroom
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Lazy day
- made breakfast, lunch & dinner
- took my son to the dentist
- bought my mother's deathSTICKS and mailed them
- walked 2 miles
- returned the videos to the library.
- of course, made my bed
sooooo... i should carry my sorry ass over here and post more
Now, as for what i did today.
i managed not to throttle Bkid. Which is very tough these days. He is bored lonely and pissed off because he is not in school right now. So he's hard to handle these days.
i cleaned my living room and kitchen, ran the dishwasher, wiped down the kitchen surfaces and the coffee table, feather dusted, made the beds, and did a load of laundry. Much less than i normally do, but still, i got something done today. So i'm celbrating the little things as Dawn says. Also, i had a very hard day today with nutsiness... the fact that i got off my ass at all and did anything makes me want to dance. Thanks millie and Dawn. i couldn't have done it without you guys.
Monday, August 08, 2005
You guys are doing GREAT!!!
I worked 10 hours today. Monday is my loooooong day. BUT, I made the bed, threw in a load of wash before I left. Again, I stopped home at lunch to throw it into the dryer. Soon as I walked in the door tonight, I grabbed it, folded it and put it away!
BUT, this may redeem me. Yesterday The Great One and I went shopping. I bought a nice three compartment clothes sorter for boys bathroom and one for our bedroom. This saves time by having the clothes already sorted so I can grab and go! We also got the boys rooms totally done. I got them each a new comforter and sheet set. Don;t even get me started on trying to find a bed in a bag for less them 200.00!!! WTF???? So they got comforters on sale for 19.99 and sheets on sale for 9.99! HA. Their rooms are done, beds made up nicely. All they need are dressers.
I am not nearly where you guys are, but I am taking my baby steps and staying with it. Give me time.
Keep up the great work everyone. Dawn, I will be visiting your recipe site often once the monsters get back! Hopefully I can join the confab Wednesday since I had to switch my days and I 'm working tomorrow!
Today's accomplishments
Angel & I flew this morning, on an adjusted schedule to fit us. 20 min on, 10 off. I know I got tons accomplished, thanks to her.
Oh, I also swept and washed both pantry & kitchen floors, cleared the MAJOR hotspot of a table too. I also made breakfast, lunch AND dinner, which was fantabulous. I'm posting the recipe for tonight's dinner on Tasty Space, cuz it was awesome.
OH! And I just got back from walking 3 MILES!!!
*doin a little happy dance*
I had a good weekend, and I'm hoping this week will be fun too!!!!!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Today I washed the dishes, cleaned the counters in the kitchen, swept the floor, washed off the table, cleaned out the refridgerator, washed the mirror in the hallway, cleaned the downstairs bathroom, including toilet, cleaned off the hotspot I have in the living room (glass coffee table), took out several boxes and a couple of bags of garbage (well, Chris did that, but we got it done), worked on the website, vacumed the living room, the stairs, the upstairs hallway, both the kids' room, put up some more posters in their room, straightened everything up, cleaned the upstairs bathroom, including toilet (ugh), cleaned out the desk in the boys' room, made dinner, and drank three bottles of water so far, only two more to go tonight.
Speaking of accomplishments, as you know, I did not do measurments when I started. I still haven't done them, probably won't, simply because of time constraints. However, I can tell you that I now fit into two pairs of pants I had that were too small for me, and have to wear a belt with two more pair because they now literally sag off my waist down to my hips.
I am feeling better, but not as good as I should be. I think it is going to take a while for my body to realize it doesn't need to horde the fluids as I continue to feed it more and more. I am up to drinking anywhere from 80-100 oz a day. I know I still need to do more, but, a huge improvement from barely 20.
I am not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I have been doing flylady's routine for about three years now. It does not mean my house has always stayed in shape. It means that when I remember to do it flylady way, it looks great, too often I was forgetting.
So, a huge thank you to all my flybaby sisters who have reminded, poked and prodded me not only about flying, but, about my health issues, especially my drinking problem (yes flyladies, I have admitted I have a drinking problem) My life has been changed thanks to all of you and there are no words that can express my gratitude and love for you, not even if I used every word in the dictionary. It seems small, but the only words I have are Thank you.
a decision

So, it's kind of occurred to me that we're not celebrating the everyday accomplishments that we've been quietly having. I think that each day, we should each post everything we've accomplished in the day. I think, seeing it in print, will help us see that we're really DOING stuff, and that this stuff is ALOT more than what we USED to do :)
Today, I:
- got dressed to shoes
- washed the comforter and the white clothes
- made my bed
- made breakfast, lunch & have dinner marinating
- went to the store for water, and the farmer's market
- gave the baby a bath
Woohoo to all of us!
My morning routine takes me about 2 hours, but that includes breakfast and reading time with my kids. BUT! I feel super when I get it all done!
I'm getting into the whole menu planning thing now, and O M G, it makes my days SO much easier. I used to get soooo annoyed every day because I didn't know what to make, or didn't have the ingredients I needed, etc. Now, I make my menu out at the beginning of the week (Saturday), hit the stores and farmer's market and I'm good to go for the week. Now, I just look at my little index card and poof, I know exactly what I need to take out in the morning, etc.
As for the crock, I LOVE MY CROCK POT!!! Yes, just about anything can go into that baby. Frozen doesn't matter if you're going to cook it all day. I'm glad your roast came out good, too :) I have been using it alot for chicken (typically thighs). Just throw them in, season them with whatever is handy, and leave them! I usually cook them on high for about 5 hours and they just FALL off the bone. Breasts tend to dry out, so that's why I stick with (cheaper) darker meats.
As for me, I've had an iffy weekend. I have been struggling with my carb intake (and I shouldn't be by now, I feel), and then feel really guilty when I eat something I shouldn't. Oh well. I dont' want to backslide, and I can easily see that happens.
So, here's hoping that this week goes better. I'll post my menu later.
Have a GREAT week, flybabies!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Week One
I am quite happy with the results. I stuck with it, did a load of laundry every day, made the bed and stayed on schedule. It helps too that Al is so appreciative of my efforts!
Today we went to NYC to see Phantom. I got up late (yeah, what else is new) and when we were halfway there I realized I didn't make the bed! Al said what's the big deal? Guess it wasn't but to me it was. I made that stupid bed every day this week and now I forgot!!
Guess what I did as soon as we got home just a little bit ago? Yep, I made the damn bed! Al laughed, said he couldn't believe I was doing this at 7 PM, but I felt I had to. Guess this is starting to sink in!
Now if I can just remember where that damn grocery store is!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Thanks to Dawn
Dawn grabbed me on messenger this morning (before it crashed) and told me to toss my roast in the crock frozen! Popped it on high like she said and it was done when Al got home! He was very surprised. I told him to say a big thankee to Dawn!
House is clean, surface clean anyway. Everyone is so right. Sure makes a difference and makes it easier to keep going when your hubby compliments you as soon as he walks in the door! I hope I can keep this up once the boys come home. They can mess up a clean house faster than any kids I know.
Hope everyone is well. Glad you got your computer going angel.
angel/phoenix's status
Hey everyone,
Angel wanted me to post that she's having more problems with her puter and will be back online just as soon as her computer decides to cooperate :)
UPDATE: ITS FIXED, i'm back!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
i'm in shock!
i was talking to Neal today and we both decided that i need to go to school part time. i need to get out of the house and do something for me. for the past 10 years my life has revolved around first my autistic son and now both he and my spoiled rotten daughter. i don't care if i get dressed during the day. i don't care if i even go outside to see if the sun is shining. i don't care if i even go over to my mom's house and she only lives 150ft away from me. so, we both decided that i absolutely have no life and i need to get one. my mom told me i needed to find something i liked to do and go with that. it hit me like a ton of bricks. i don't know what i like to do anymore. i haven't thought about it in so long that i just don't know. we can't afford for me to start any classes this semester, so i guess i will be thinking and seeing what i like to do.
the house is far from perfect, but it is comming together. slowly but surely. i want it to be done NOW, but of couse i have to do it and it isn't getting done as fast as i want. i still have a lot to do, but it isn't like it has been in the past and i know that if i keep plugging away at it, it will get clean. one day.
my bathroom floor has been wet for the past few weeks. we couldn't find the source of the water, but i think i found it today. my A/C! water is pouring under the trailer. Neal will have to get under there tomorrow and see if he can fix it, if not i have to call the guy that put it in for us. i think the dog probably hit something and broke it. Neal even changed the seal on the toilet today thinking that was where the water was comming from. He said that he waisted that 86 cents LOL
i don't know how to post the chart with my measurements, but as soon as i learn i will post them. i am so happy i have done this. i just can't believe that i have lost so much so fast!
take care and keep on soaring!!
Sorry if I am getting on your nerves....
This way, a little a day, it will stay kept up I think and I won't have to throw myself in like a nutcase. Nice and steady. Never made sense before but it does now. Yeah, I have a long way to go to have a totally clean house, you still can't go upstairs or in the family room, the what you see when you walk room, dining table, kitchen are nice and neat.
Got my morning routine done and did the dusting and vacuuming in the living room, washed the kitchen floor (glad I picked up a swiffer mop) and the load of laundry is done and put away. I am tempted to do another, but I know me and it will sit in the dryer anyway. I will stay on my schedule and do another tomorrow. Oh yeah, made the bed too!
Sorry if I am posting too much with details that are only exciting to me, but I wanted to share. I think this kind of daily report will help me stay on track. I'll have to chage things slightly when the boys come home and I have to start cooking again, but I have another week to settle into this then I can add the cooking crap.
AND, it's only 2:30! WOW stupid messenger won't open so please don't think I am hiding. I an determined to figure that baby out too.
I'm such an evil person LOL
She says "Well, I'm still in town."
I said "do you want to go?"
She says "sure, why not".
So I threw my sneakers back on and was out the door. I got there and pretty much had to pry her out of her car. LOL We started walking, and I explained the whole reversing the coarse thing. She was very whiny, very tired and overall, being a pain in the ass. Mostly like just as much as I am some days when I just don't FEEL like being there ;)
So, we walked. At the top of the first hill, which really is very gradual, I thought I'd have to get behind her to push her up. We walked on. Then we got to the next part where we have to walk DOWN a very steep hill, but very short. Again she complained "I'm tirrrred, my feet hurrrrrtt". LOL That's nice.
See, on those first days when we first started walking, I was whiny too. I wasn't used to the exercise, and my shins killed me. My feet killed me. The heat killed me. I hate sweating. You name it, I complained. BUT I WALKED. She encouraged me. Well, on those days, when she's marching along to her own little drummer, I'd tell her PAYBACK'S A BITCH! And so I am ;)
So on Sunday, I paid her back.
With interest ;)
We finished our 2 mile walk and I told her she'd thank me. lol That night, she logged onto the group chat that we have each week and told everyone how I'd TORTURED her. lol
The next day, she called (she apparently had decided she DIDN'T hate me afterall) and we tried to go walking, but the rain storms had other ideas. But it was nice to give back all that ENCOURAGEMENT that she'd given me lol
I just had to share ;)
Monday, August 01, 2005
I always let the dog out when I get up so I have to go thru the laundry room. I grabbed a load of laundry and stuck it in the washer. Went back upstairs and MADE THE BED! I remember how! Looks nice
I only work around the corner and up the street so I came home at lunch and threw the wash into the dryer and stuck in some towels. Once I got home, before I did ANYTHING, I got the clothes out of the dryer, transferred the towels to the dryer, went directly upstairs to fold and put away. IT'S DONE! Another WOW.
I don't have an evening routine yet other than just picking up and cleaning the sink. I think I will add getting the next days clothes sorted and ready to go into Mr. Washer.
I drank the stupid water and peed all damn day! I'll probably wet the bed tonight and hubby will think I am into some new kinky thing..LMAO. AND, I brought home a stupid tape meausre so tomorrow I will do that horrid deed.
Day one went great. I feel good. It really does make a difference just making your bed, even tho the stupid dog likes to sleep under the covers and messed it up. I fixed I am really going to try to join the confab tomorrow.
Thanks for all the tips and encouragement. I think this time I just may succeed!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
A Decent Day
I did get A LOT done in Jacob's 'new' room. Moved the furniture, put his stereo in, his clothes. All I have to do now is have Al put his futon together. I want to get both boys new comforter sets so that's on the To Do list for next week. I will wait to get the beds made up until right before they come home.
I fixed my vacuum cleaner. I am so hard on them. I suck up whatever is on the floor and can't understand why the stupid thing chokes! I need one of those vacuums that can suck up a bowling ball.
Have you ladies called my husband? LOL. Our kitchen table is a lovely Hot Spot. For whatever reason this is the catch all place for everything. Well, hubby informed me today that he was cleaning it and it needs to stay clean cause it's the one thing that drives him nuts. He went on to say to help motivate me, he will gladly give me 5 every time it's cluttered again! LMAO. I guess that's fair and today all the stuff there was mine, but still. LOL.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Monday comes all too soon and it's my long day at work. I set up my Monday's to be light. My morning routine of 1) Making the bed 2) tossing in a load of laundry and 3) Attempting to drink the crappy water.
today's shopping trip
I love grocery shopping (hate paying for it though!) I love to cook, and with my new lifestyle, it opens things up alot for me/us. Here's what I bought:
Farmer's Market:
(4) 2 ft long zucchinis (2 for $1!!!!)
(4) yellow squash
(1) eggplant
1 lb greenbeans
(2) beets
1 head romaine lettuce
seasoning for jamaican jerk *anything*
Spaghetti squash
green peppers
green onions
bottom round roast
So this week's menu includes (and as you know, all recipes are on My Tasty Space.
Mon: Jack Fish
Tue: Bacon Cheeseburger Quiche
Wed: Spaghetti squash w/kielbasa (or possibly linquica)
Thu: Salisbury Steak
Fri: undecided
I LOVE all these fresh veggies in my house. It makes me feel good to know that this stuff was PICKED this morning! Now hopefully, I won't let it sit around for 2 weeks lOL
As a shittin sidenote - I was just looking at my receipt and realized I picked up the ORGANIC grapes instead of the ones on sale. OMFG - I paid $6 for 2 lbs of grapes. DAMN. Grrrrrrrrr
Anyways, I'm looking forward to this week, at least food wise LOL
Saturday, July 30, 2005
I Love My Flybaby!
Confession is good for the soul so they say so here goes. Another day of NOTHING. Well, nothing and something. I guess I should say here that my husband is a big and wonderful help. He is not a neat freak, but he is more motivated then I am in every way. His attitude is..."Yep, it sucks, just get it done!" Makes sense.
So, I didn't make the bed cause on the weekends when the kids are gone we are in and out of it all day long..
We TRIED to go to Cosco. Having never been before we had to get a card. There is nothing in life I hate more than shopping so I was in a pissy mood as soon as we walked out the door. Get there, stand in this huge line just to get up there and get the application. We filled that baby out just to find out you can't pay with a credit or debit card. Cash or American Express only! WTF?
We left and they can kiss my ass before I will go back! Talk about putting me in an even worse mood. BUT, I did
We ended up at the library, this helps a bad mood for me. Had lunch, came home and took a nap. We will try the grocery thing again tomorrow. I also have to get my ass going on finishing Jacob's room. Since Gabbie moved out, he is moving into her room. They all left for the summer in June and this room is barely started. I have two more weeks!
Does anyone else have a really hard time getting anything done when their hubby is home? As bad as I am, I am worse if he's here. I just want to play!
Defeating Lazy Bitchitis
i still haven't weighed. i want to. J weighed at work and lost three more pounds. If his cheating ass lost three more pounds i should have done well too. i want to know. i think i may ask his mom to borrow her car and take off to weigh.
Update: i weighed. 251. Oh, okay, 251.8.
Friday, July 29, 2005
I scrub and scrub. I let bleach sit in the toilet forever, then scrubbed some more. I got most, but not all and it looks gross. AND, I clean the toilet often so I can't believe it's building up like this. Maybe it would be easier to buy a new one! LOL
One other question. I can't copy the table for the measurements. I am computer brain dead. Is there a way to send it to me? Or can I send someone my stupid measurements to add to the table? Or maybe we can just forget about it. WEG
what a surprise
I did measure again and found an inch missing from my HIPS! YEEEHAWWWW
I think reversing the direction of the of my walk helped.
Ok, in any case, way to go with your choice to quit smoking, nikki! I'm very proud of you!
we can do this, ladies :)
Today sucked
Today, the simple thing of making our bed didn't even get done! I am NOT a morning person and this moring routine is going to be the hardest of all for me. I made it out of bed with enough time to shower, put on my face so not to scare the children, get dressed and get out! Thank goodness I only work around the corner and up the street!
No bed made. I did declutter a little bit when I got home and went thru the mail. I have no energy left. Work sucked it all out. So easily the "I'll start tomorrow" went through my head again. I need to force myself to do the bedtime routine tonight. That may redeem me a little.
Get the whip out Dawn. I never got a chance to weigh today at work. Well, you know how long that takes! LOL. AND, I ate two packages of cupcakes when I got home because I worked longer than I expected and was starving. And WATER? I bathe in it, I do not drink
Guess I will go stand in the Soar Corner until you decide whether to throw me out on my lazy, unmotivated badorkus or not! Tomorrow will be a better day. Won't it?
Welcome Kay
On a more uplifting note, I have lost 6 more pounds and am down to 210 at the moment. I am hoping it continues. I am still struggling with the water, but, I am still determined to keep it up.
Tonight is the night that Chris takes his final for Anatomy and Physiology and that means that in the next two days we will quit smoking. I hope we can survive each other. Say a prayer for us will ya?
Well, as usual, I'm heading out for work. Keep flying ladies, and Kay, it is no joke that I unpacked our entire apartment 15 minutes at a time. These ladies will keep you going. Watch out for Dawn's whip, it bites.
>huggles everyone<
Hello and thank you
I made a big post on my blog about how I decided to get it together today once and for all. I won't repeat it here. At the time I didn't know how to post here!
I am going to take baby steps and get a stupid tape measure. I will have measurements that are more to Dawn's liking and not the one's I use in my world. It will be next week because I refuse to do this with my husband looking. Well, maybe I can fit it in tomorrow.
Friday's goal...making my bed, decluttering and actually making a grocery list. That is a big enough baby step. I've only been in the grocery ONCE since my kids left for the Yes, I should be embarrassed.
Thanks again and it's great to be here.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Welcome Aboard Kay!!!
i just know you are going to love the difference flying makes in your life. We have a lot of fun during our morning flying confabs and get a hell of a lot accomplished. i can't wait to have you join us!
YAY! Good for you in making this step!
angel aka phoenix
She needs our help to get some control into her life, fellow flybabies.
Kay, first thing you need to do is get yourself a timer! We can do anything for 15 minutes at a time. Just ask nikki, who got her whole apartment unpacked, 15 minutes at a time!
Then, as I said, get those measurements & weight to me, so we can add you to our fly baby roll.
Please, feel free to post any time you want/need to. We're here to help. And don't forget that yahoo messenger. It's a big help!
Again, I'm glad you're here ;)
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Updated Measurements
Here's my update for this week:
Phoenix | 6/6 | 6/14 | 6/25 | 7/5 | 7/26 | Total |
Bust | 49.5 | 48.5 | 48 | 48 | 46.5 | 3 |
Waist | 47.5 | 45.5 | 43.5 | 43 | 42.5 | 5 |
Hips | 53.5 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 50 | 3.5 |
L Thigh | 29.5 | 27 | 27 | 26.5 | 25 | 4.5 |
R Thigh | 29.5 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 25 | 4.5 |
L Arm | 18 | 16.5 | 14.5 | 16 | 14.5 | 3.5 |
R Arm | 18 | 16 | 15 | 15.5 | 14 | 4 |
Neck | 15 | 15 | 15 | 14 | 14 | 1 |
Total Loss | 13.5 | 7.5 | 1 | 7.5 | 29.5 |
This week's update and more
well this week went much better than expected! I'm proud of myself, considering the choices I COULD have made :D
and YES, my routines have kicked in. I made my bed in the hotel BOTH MORNINGS! LOL My kids & I kept our morning and evening routines, as well. It is official!
Here's my stats for this week:
Here's my update for this week
Dawn- Starting weight: 280 Current Weight: 255
DAWN | 6/2 | 6/13 | 6/22 | 6/29 | 7/15 | 7/20 | 7/26 | Total |
Bust | 54 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 52 | 52 | 51 | 3 |
Waist | 50 | 50 | 49 | 48.5 | 48.5 | 48.5 | 47.5 | 2.5 |
Hips | 64 | 62.5 | 62.5 | 61 | 61 | 61 | 61 | 3 |
L Thigh | 28.5 | 28.5 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 3.5 |
R Thigh | 28.5 | 28.5 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 25.5 | 25 | 3.5 |
L Calf | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 19 | 1 |
R Calf | 20.5 | 20.5 | 20.5 | 20 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 1 |
L Arm | 16.5 | 14.5 | 14 | 14 | 13.5 | 13.25 | 13.25 | 3.25 |
R Arm | 15.5 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 1.5 |
Neck | 15.5 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 14.5 | 1 | |
Total Loss | 4 | 5 | 2.5 | 4.5 | 2.75 | 4.5 | 23.25 |