Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My Day

I had every intention of sleeping all day but a co-worker called and woke my ass up at 10:45! That's the crack of dawn for me! I screwed around until about 2:00.

THEN, I made my grocery order (online like a good snothead!)WEG, vacuumed the bedrooms, upper hall and downstairs, cleaned up the bathrooms and of course made my bed! I will admit, a made bed looks nice even if we don't have to die for bedroom furniture!

I am seriously thinking of trying a Jazzercise class. I used to do it and loved it. I just worry it will make my knee hurt worse. I'm thinking that possibly sitting at the computer for so long with my legs under me or standing for 10 hours in work is what the problem is. Maybe I just need so good stretching or something.

The first week is free so I have nothing to lose. Just a matter of getting my lazy ass over there. I can't decide if I should do it now, then have to break when we go to Florida in two weeks or just wait until school starts and I am up early every day.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Two more days until our honeymoon period ends and the terrorists come home!

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