Thursday, July 14, 2005

Aggrevation and Update

So... i cannot access this blog right now. ARGH! This drives me nuts because i blog by clicking the blogthis button at the top. Everytime i try to read this, my connection crashes. We will be fixing this asap.

i am doing better again. After my flybaby mentor chewed my butt a bit, i have gotten myself back on track. Thank you Dawn. my house is back in good shape and i'm whittling away at the desk of doom.
Today i bought every thing for my control journal except my sheet protectors because Dawn is sending them to me. YAY! i am excited about this because i think it will really help me to set up routines and stay on track.
i am filling in my fitday journal much better now. i am going to post the link to my profile as well.

Not being able to weigh regularly is a pain in my ass. When we get some money, we will buy a nice scale. Until then, i guess i'll just have to weigh when i can get to that city 30 minutes away. *sigh*

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Update on Me

As most of you know from my other blog, I have been struggling with life on a daily basis. I am sorry that I haven't been able to keep you up to date on my flying and weight here.

I am holding at 216 right now. Not loosing, not gaining. Nor have I been eating healthy though. I have fallen out of the habit of having breakfast. Something that I think had been helping a lot.

Just so that ya'll understand how hard it's been, here is a quick breakdown of my schedule. Get up, take Chris to the college for testing, come home, grab something to eat, get ready for work and then go to work, come home and eat again, go to bed, get up and start over.

There is an end in sight though, this is the last week that Chris has to test every day. Then he will have a break for a couple of weeks and my mornings can be spent online flying with you ladies. I have alot to do before my kids come home so I'm gonna definantly need those confabs.

Hope to see you soon, hang in there ya'll.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Alright ladies... I know some of you are having problems keeping track of what's going on, but we need to hear from you, even if you're having problems. It keeps the rest of us on track, too.

I've lost another 2 lbs. yay. Tonight, after dinner, I was laying on my bed reading. I closed my eyes and was just about to drift off and said to myself "you know, you REALLY should go for a walk." Miracle of miracles, I didn't slap myself for such a foolish idea, got back up, put my sneakers back on and went walking :D Yay for me anyways.

I made that mexican casserole again tonight, along with a capri salad and it was awesome. Was light, and yummy.

SO anyways, that's me for now.
