Saturday, August 06, 2005

Week One

Well, I completed my first real week of flying. (The cleaning end anyway :) )

I am quite happy with the results. I stuck with it, did a load of laundry every day, made the bed and stayed on schedule. It helps too that Al is so appreciative of my efforts!

Today we went to NYC to see Phantom. I got up late (yeah, what else is new) and when we were halfway there I realized I didn't make the bed! Al said what's the big deal? Guess it wasn't but to me it was. I made that stupid bed every day this week and now I forgot!!

Guess what I did as soon as we got home just a little bit ago? Yep, I made the damn bed! Al laughed, said he couldn't believe I was doing this at 7 PM, but I felt I had to. Guess this is starting to sink in!

Now if I can just remember where that damn grocery store is!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Thanks to Dawn

My husband actually had a home cooked meal when he got home tonight. First time since the boys left! I must say, he enjoyed taking me to dinner so much while we had this time together, but it does get a bit old after awhile.

Dawn grabbed me on messenger this morning (before it crashed) and told me to toss my roast in the crock frozen! Popped it on high like she said and it was done when Al got home! He was very surprised. I told him to say a big thankee to Dawn!

House is clean, surface clean anyway. Everyone is so right. Sure makes a difference and makes it easier to keep going when your hubby compliments you as soon as he walks in the door! I hope I can keep this up once the boys come home. They can mess up a clean house faster than any kids I know.

Hope everyone is well. Glad you got your computer going angel.

angel/phoenix's status

Hey everyone,

Angel wanted me to post that she's having more problems with her puter and will be back online just as soon as her computer decides to cooperate :)


UPDATE: ITS FIXED, i'm back!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

This week's stats

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I've deleted the month of June to make the table easier to read.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

i'm in shock!

well in a month i have lost a total of 19 pounds and 27 1/4 inches! i really didn't think i had lost that many inches. i have been bad and not exercised, but pretty much stuck to my diet. i have cheated a few times, but got right back on the diet. i litterally almost fainted when my inches were taken. i am so happy i could do a jig!

i was talking to Neal today and we both decided that i need to go to school part time. i need to get out of the house and do something for me. for the past 10 years my life has revolved around first my autistic son and now both he and my spoiled rotten daughter. i don't care if i get dressed during the day. i don't care if i even go outside to see if the sun is shining. i don't care if i even go over to my mom's house and she only lives 150ft away from me. so, we both decided that i absolutely have no life and i need to get one. my mom told me i needed to find something i liked to do and go with that. it hit me like a ton of bricks. i don't know what i like to do anymore. i haven't thought about it in so long that i just don't know. we can't afford for me to start any classes this semester, so i guess i will be thinking and seeing what i like to do.

the house is far from perfect, but it is comming together. slowly but surely. i want it to be done NOW, but of couse i have to do it and it isn't getting done as fast as i want. i still have a lot to do, but it isn't like it has been in the past and i know that if i keep plugging away at it, it will get clean. one day.

my bathroom floor has been wet for the past few weeks. we couldn't find the source of the water, but i think i found it today. my A/C! water is pouring under the trailer. Neal will have to get under there tomorrow and see if he can fix it, if not i have to call the guy that put it in for us. i think the dog probably hit something and broke it. Neal even changed the seal on the toilet today thinking that was where the water was comming from. He said that he waisted that 86 cents LOL

i don't know how to post the chart with my measurements, but as soon as i learn i will post them. i am so happy i have done this. i just can't believe that i have lost so much so fast!

take care and keep on soaring!!

Sorry if I am getting on your nerves....

I really think I can do this, this time. Taking is just a little a day really makes a difference, doesn't it? Before I threw myself all in and got the entire house sparking, then it would go to pot so fast and I would say the hell with it.

This way, a little a day, it will stay kept up I think and I won't have to throw myself in like a nutcase. Nice and steady. Never made sense before but it does now. Yeah, I have a long way to go to have a totally clean house, you still can't go upstairs or in the family room, the what you see when you walk room, dining table, kitchen are nice and neat.

Got my morning routine done and did the dusting and vacuuming in the living room, washed the kitchen floor (glad I picked up a swiffer mop) and the load of laundry is done and put away. I am tempted to do another, but I know me and it will sit in the dryer anyway. I will stay on my schedule and do another tomorrow. Oh yeah, made the bed too!

Sorry if I am posting too much with details that are only exciting to me, but I wanted to share. I think this kind of daily report will help me stay on track. I'll have to chage things slightly when the boys come home and I have to start cooking again, but I have another week to settle into this then I can add the cooking crap.

AND, it's only 2:30! WOW stupid messenger won't open so please don't think I am hiding. I an determined to figure that baby out too.

I'm such an evil person LOL

Sunday, I had finished putting the groceries away, and was sitting around watching a dvd. I couldn't decide if I felt like going walking or not. My walking buddy called. She was on her way back from a long weekend of motorcycle training classes that she teaches. She'd been on her feet all day, both days, was tired and hungry. I said "I am trying to decide if I want to go walking or not".

She says "Well, I'm still in town."

I said "do you want to go?"

She says "sure, why not".


So I threw my sneakers back on and was out the door. I got there and pretty much had to pry her out of her car. LOL We started walking, and I explained the whole reversing the coarse thing. She was very whiny, very tired and overall, being a pain in the ass. Mostly like just as much as I am some days when I just don't FEEL like being there ;)

So, we walked. At the top of the first hill, which really is very gradual, I thought I'd have to get behind her to push her up. We walked on. Then we got to the next part where we have to walk DOWN a very steep hill, but very short. Again she complained "I'm tirrrred, my feet hurrrrrtt". LOL That's nice.

See, on those first days when we first started walking, I was whiny too. I wasn't used to the exercise, and my shins killed me. My feet killed me. The heat killed me. I hate sweating. You name it, I complained. BUT I WALKED. She encouraged me. Well, on those days, when she's marching along to her own little drummer, I'd tell her PAYBACK'S A BITCH! And so I am ;)

So on Sunday, I paid her back.

With interest ;)

We finished our 2 mile walk and I told her she'd thank me. lol That night, she logged onto the group chat that we have each week and told everyone how I'd TORTURED her. lol

The next day, she called (she apparently had decided she DIDN'T hate me afterall) and we tried to go walking, but the rain storms had other ideas. But it was nice to give back all that ENCOURAGEMENT that she'd given me lol

I just had to share ;)

Monday, August 01, 2005


I got my lazy non-morning arse out of bed early enough to not only get ready for work, but do my morning routine too!

I always let the dog out when I get up so I have to go thru the laundry room. I grabbed a load of laundry and stuck it in the washer. Went back upstairs and MADE THE BED! I remember how! Looks nice

I only work around the corner and up the street so I came home at lunch and threw the wash into the dryer and stuck in some towels. Once I got home, before I did ANYTHING, I got the clothes out of the dryer, transferred the towels to the dryer, went directly upstairs to fold and put away. IT'S DONE! Another WOW.

I don't have an evening routine yet other than just picking up and cleaning the sink. I think I will add getting the next days clothes sorted and ready to go into Mr. Washer.

I drank the stupid water and peed all damn day! I'll probably wet the bed tonight and hubby will think I am into some new kinky thing..LMAO. AND, I brought home a stupid tape meausre so tomorrow I will do that horrid deed.

Day one went great. I feel good. It really does make a difference just making your bed, even tho the stupid dog likes to sleep under the covers and messed it up. I fixed I am really going to try to join the confab tomorrow.

Thanks for all the tips and encouragement. I think this time I just may succeed!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Decent Day

Grocery store got put off for another day! This we can get away with when there are no kids in the house and you have a hubby that loves to take you out to eat! Soon to end, the boys return on the 13th. It was terrific while it lasted.

I did get A LOT done in Jacob's 'new' room. Moved the furniture, put his stereo in, his clothes. All I have to do now is have Al put his futon together. I want to get both boys new comforter sets so that's on the To Do list for next week. I will wait to get the beds made up until right before they come home.

I fixed my vacuum cleaner. I am so hard on them. I suck up whatever is on the floor and can't understand why the stupid thing chokes! I need one of those vacuums that can suck up a bowling ball.

Have you ladies called my husband? LOL. Our kitchen table is a lovely Hot Spot. For whatever reason this is the catch all place for everything. Well, hubby informed me today that he was cleaning it and it needs to stay clean cause it's the one thing that drives him nuts. He went on to say to help motivate me, he will gladly give me 5 every time it's cluttered again! LMAO. I guess that's fair and today all the stuff there was mine, but still. LOL.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Monday comes all too soon and it's my long day at work. I set up my Monday's to be light. My morning routine of 1) Making the bed 2) tossing in a load of laundry and 3) Attempting to drink the crappy water.

today's shopping trip

Ok, we just got back at 2pm. We've been gone 4 hours, shopping! LOL

I love grocery shopping (hate paying for it though!) I love to cook, and with my new lifestyle, it opens things up alot for me/us. Here's what I bought:

Farmer's Market:

(4) 2 ft long zucchinis (2 for $1!!!!)
(4) yellow squash
(1) eggplant
1 lb greenbeans
(2) beets
1 head romaine lettuce
seasoning for jamaican jerk *anything*


Spaghetti squash

green peppers
green onions
bottom round roast

So this week's menu includes (and as you know, all recipes are on My Tasty Space.

Mon: Jack Fish
Tue: Bacon Cheeseburger Quiche
Wed: Spaghetti squash w/kielbasa (or possibly linquica)
Thu: Salisbury Steak
Fri: undecided

I LOVE all these fresh veggies in my house. It makes me feel good to know that this stuff was PICKED this morning! Now hopefully, I won't let it sit around for 2 weeks lOL

As a shittin sidenote - I was just looking at my receipt and realized I picked up the ORGANIC grapes instead of the ones on sale. OMFG - I paid $6 for 2 lbs of grapes. DAMN. Grrrrrrrrr

Anyways, I'm looking forward to this week, at least food wise LOL
