Friday, November 12, 2010

hurt and anger

I've started out the day with both.  I think it's going to be a LONG day
So far, I've:
  • made a loaf of bread in the bread machine
  • mad breakfast for me& and the kids
  • read a book to DD
  • finally made a pediatrician appt for my oldest
  • called old ped. to get records switched.
  • worked out for 20 min on wii fit
  • no water yet. 
it's 10:00 - been up since 4:45.  Feeling like I'm behind a bit. :/  Neck is stll kiling me. KEYbbOARD NEDS ITS ASS KICKED.
  • took my vitamins & st. john's - need to remember that on a daily basis.
  • cleared 2 more counters in the kitchen
  • washed them down top to bottom
  • cleaned my stove top and hood
  • emptied the dishwasher and reloaded
  • washed the dishes that wouldn't fit.
  • made lunch
  • blogged
It's 2:10pm and the kitchen is ALMOST done.
  • washed the kitchen floor - it hadn't been done since MARCH.
  • put dinner on - homemade beef stew
  • put another loaf of bread in the bread machine, since the kids ate most of the 1st
  • scrubbed the stove rings (those things that the burners go in)
  • finally cleaned off the table  - the biggest hotspot in the kitchen.
It's 3:50. I'm feeling accomplished today.  The kitchen actually echos now, since all the junk is gone.  It's nice - it's clean.  I can HAVE MY NEIGHBOR OVER!  WOOHOO!

When ya coming for coffee, Angel?! :D

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today's Progress

What did I manage today?
I cleaned my bedroom and put away laundry and folded some.  I cleaned up the front room and straightened up the master bath.

I have not yet worked out

I have not done any stupid hustling or even looked at craigslist or anything else.

I have told myself that I'm great with my son and I deserve the absolute adoration he lavishes on me.



woke up this morning with some serious pain in my neck and arm. I have herniated discs in my neck and one of them is definitely stressing out today.  I can't hardly pick anything up. :(

My accomplishments today:
  • worked on a graphic for a friend for 2 hours - only it was totally not what she wanted. 
  • made breakfast for me & the kids.
  • read about Venus with them, as we're studying the planets.
  • worked out on wii fit for 20 minutes.
Haven't done any housework yet, mostly because I can't raise my arm or turn my head without extreme pain. Don't know how I'm supposed to explain THAT to the hub. :/


Well, for the rest of the day, I did ok.  Still in lots of pain, though, so I took longer breaks than I should have. Eh.
  • Made lunch for the kids and I.
  • Washed the walls, counter tops and cupboard doors in the kitchen.
  • Decluttered 3 of the counters, swept. 
  • washed the dishes
  • made dinner (2 different ones, actually) for everyone 
going now to wash the dinner dishes and SHINE MY SINK. :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New me... new Goals

So... goals... I'm setting goals... Yippee fucking doo da...

Goal one- Keep my three rooms clean.  Clean daily.

Goal two- Work out 5 days a week

Goal three- No stupid hustling... if you need something to do... ask somebody... somebody ALWAYS needs something

Goal four- Say something nice to myself everyday

annnnnnd we're back.

Today, I've
  • vacuumed the living room - at least the parts that are now free of stuff.
  • scrubbed the crayon off 2 of the walls.
  • had breakfast
  • drank a glass of water, am working on #2.
  • helped DD read.
  • played a board game that she made.
  • Did 15 minutes on wii fit.
This is 11:30am.
  • Continued with the living room. Just one section left!
  • made lunch for the kids
  • updated this blog!
  • had another glass of water.
  • worked in 15 minute increments!
This is 1:15.