Saturday, July 30, 2005

I Love My Flybaby!

Thanks so much, she is really cute. I guess I am official now! Whoo Hoo.

Confession is good for the soul so they say so here goes. Another day of NOTHING. Well, nothing and something. I guess I should say here that my husband is a big and wonderful help. He is not a neat freak, but he is more motivated then I am in every way. His attitude is..."Yep, it sucks, just get it done!" Makes sense.

So, I didn't make the bed cause on the weekends when the kids are gone we are in and out of it all day long.. No sense in re-making it over and over and over is there? I didn't have to clean cause Al, ever the early bird got up and got that done before my eyes even opened! Yes, I am lucky. That counts too right? :)

We TRIED to go to Cosco. Having never been before we had to get a card. There is nothing in life I hate more than shopping so I was in a pissy mood as soon as we walked out the door. Get there, stand in this huge line just to get up there and get the application. We filled that baby out just to find out you can't pay with a credit or debit card. Cash or American Express only! WTF?

We left and they can kiss my ass before I will go back! Talk about putting me in an even worse mood. BUT, I did

We ended up at the library, this helps a bad mood for me. Had lunch, came home and took a nap. We will try the grocery thing again tomorrow. I also have to get my ass going on finishing Jacob's room. Since Gabbie moved out, he is moving into her room. They all left for the summer in June and this room is barely started. I have two more weeks!

Does anyone else have a really hard time getting anything done when their hubby is home? As bad as I am, I am worse if he's here. I just want to play!

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

I like the grocery store. When I have taken Claude to school in the morning, I go there even if I can't think of anything I need to buy. But there's usually something that's needed. I like going there early because at 7:15 a.m. there's hardly anyone there. I can spend time thinking of what I shall need for the evening meal (Rose cooks the midday meal, I do the evening.) Then I go to the market and buy spring onions, fruit perhaps, squash or aubergines, whatever looks nice and fresh. Fresh bamboo shoots is really delicious cooked in coconut milk (we grow plenty of cocos).

Thanks Kay for your comment on my blog.