Saturday, July 30, 2005

I Love My Flybaby!

Thanks so much, she is really cute. I guess I am official now! Whoo Hoo.

Confession is good for the soul so they say so here goes. Another day of NOTHING. Well, nothing and something. I guess I should say here that my husband is a big and wonderful help. He is not a neat freak, but he is more motivated then I am in every way. His attitude is..."Yep, it sucks, just get it done!" Makes sense.

So, I didn't make the bed cause on the weekends when the kids are gone we are in and out of it all day long.. No sense in re-making it over and over and over is there? I didn't have to clean cause Al, ever the early bird got up and got that done before my eyes even opened! Yes, I am lucky. That counts too right? :)

We TRIED to go to Cosco. Having never been before we had to get a card. There is nothing in life I hate more than shopping so I was in a pissy mood as soon as we walked out the door. Get there, stand in this huge line just to get up there and get the application. We filled that baby out just to find out you can't pay with a credit or debit card. Cash or American Express only! WTF?

We left and they can kiss my ass before I will go back! Talk about putting me in an even worse mood. BUT, I did

We ended up at the library, this helps a bad mood for me. Had lunch, came home and took a nap. We will try the grocery thing again tomorrow. I also have to get my ass going on finishing Jacob's room. Since Gabbie moved out, he is moving into her room. They all left for the summer in June and this room is barely started. I have two more weeks!

Does anyone else have a really hard time getting anything done when their hubby is home? As bad as I am, I am worse if he's here. I just want to play!

Defeating Lazy Bitchitis

So, i had my day in the barrel today. i didn't want to do a damn thing. But, my fellow flybabies came to the rescue. millie pep talked me on IM and finally Dawn called my lazy ass and said get up!!! And, i did. i got my house cleaned. And, i'm going for a walk. Thank you flybabies! i've had this disease (lazy bitchitis) for years. But, i think i've finally found the cure. You guys!!!
i still haven't weighed. i want to. J weighed at work and lost three more pounds. If his cheating ass lost three more pounds i should have done well too. i want to know. i think i may ask his mom to borrow her car and take off to weigh.

Update: i weighed. 251. Oh, okay, 251.8.

Friday, July 29, 2005


Does anyone know how to get hard water stains to come out of your toilet? I guess they are hard water stains, I really don't know what hard water is, but they say we have it here in Jersey.

I scrub and scrub. I let bleach sit in the toilet forever, then scrubbed some more. I got most, but not all and it looks gross. AND, I clean the toilet often so I can't believe it's building up like this. Maybe it would be easier to buy a new one! LOL

One other question. I can't copy the table for the measurements. I am computer brain dead. Is there a way to send it to me? Or can I send someone my stupid measurements to add to the table? Or maybe we can just forget about it. WEG


what a surprise

So I had a crappy day. Didn't have any motivation, for whatever reason. I did what was necessary (dishes, etc.) the bed is always made as soon as I get up. My son swept the floors. But that was basically it. I did the dishes again after I went for my walk and got back, I felt better. Cleaned off my desk and just sort of chilled out, watching a movie. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

I did measure again and found an inch missing from my HIPS! YEEEHAWWWW

I think reversing the direction of the of my walk helped.

Ok, in any case, way to go with your choice to quit smoking, nikki! I'm very proud of you!

we can do this, ladies :)

Today sucked

Nothing like having to admit you missed your easy goals on your first day out! I went at it full force yesterday and felt like I could do it all.

Today, the simple thing of making our bed didn't even get done! I am NOT a morning person and this moring routine is going to be the hardest of all for me. I made it out of bed with enough time to shower, put on my face so not to scare the children, get dressed and get out! Thank goodness I only work around the corner and up the street!

No bed made. I did declutter a little bit when I got home and went thru the mail. I have no energy left. Work sucked it all out. So easily the "I'll start tomorrow" went through my head again. I need to force myself to do the bedtime routine tonight. That may redeem me a little.

Get the whip out Dawn. I never got a chance to weigh today at work. Well, you know how long that takes! LOL. AND, I ate two packages of cupcakes when I got home because I worked longer than I expected and was starving. And WATER? I bathe in it, I do not drink

Guess I will go stand in the Soar Corner until you decide whether to throw me out on my lazy, unmotivated badorkus or not! Tomorrow will be a better day. Won't it?

Welcome Kay

Just wanted to add my welcomes Kay. You'll notice my posts are hit and miss at best. I am so busy lately that if I don't remind myself, I'll forget to breathe.

On a more uplifting note, I have lost 6 more pounds and am down to 210 at the moment. I am hoping it continues. I am still struggling with the water, but, I am still determined to keep it up.

Tonight is the night that Chris takes his final for Anatomy and Physiology and that means that in the next two days we will quit smoking. I hope we can survive each other. Say a prayer for us will ya?

Well, as usual, I'm heading out for work. Keep flying ladies, and Kay, it is no joke that I unpacked our entire apartment 15 minutes at a time. These ladies will keep you going. Watch out for Dawn's whip, it bites.

>huggles everyone<

Hello and thank you

Before I go to bed I wanted to say thanks and hello. Thanks to Dawn and Phoenix for all their help getting me here. I look forward to getting to know everyone and getting out from under the mess. Of my house and my

I made a big post on my blog about how I decided to get it together today once and for all. I won't repeat it here. At the time I didn't know how to post here!

I am going to take baby steps and get a stupid tape measure. I will have measurements that are more to Dawn's liking and not the one's I use in my world. It will be next week because I refuse to do this with my husband looking. Well, maybe I can fit it in tomorrow.

Friday's goal...making my bed, decluttering and actually making a grocery list. That is a big enough baby step. I've only been in the grocery ONCE since my kids left for the Yes, I should be embarrassed.

Thanks again and it's great to be here.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Welcome Aboard Kay!!!

Welcome to the land of flybabies Kay! We are so glad you are here! Let me know what you look like and your favorite color and i'll make you up a flybaby like the ones over there <---------!
i just know you are going to love the difference flying makes in your life. We have a lot of fun during our morning flying confabs and get a hell of a lot accomplished. i can't wait to have you join us!
YAY! Good for you in making this step!
angel aka phoenix


I'd like to extend a big HUG and a great big welcome to our newest member, KAY!

She needs our help to get some control into her life, fellow flybabies.

Kay, first thing you need to do is get yourself a timer! We can do anything for 15 minutes at a time. Just ask nikki, who got her whole apartment unpacked, 15 minutes at a time!

Then, as I said, get those measurements & weight to me, so we can add you to our fly baby roll.

Please, feel free to post any time you want/need to. We're here to help. And don't forget that yahoo messenger. It's a big help!

Again, I'm glad you're here ;)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Updated Measurements

So, i haven't weighed this week. i found a swing for Bkid on freecycle. If i have to go towards the city i weigh in to get it, i'll weigh then. If not, it may be the weekend before i get to. Here are my measurements:

Here's my update for this week:

phoenix - Starting weight: 280 Current Weight: 254

7/5 7/26
48 46.5
43 42.5
50 50
L Thigh
26.5 25
R Thigh
26 25
L Arm
16 14.5
R Arm
15.5 14
14 14
Total Loss

1 7.5

This week's update and more

Hiiii again,

well this week went much better than expected! I'm proud of myself, considering the choices I COULD have made :D

and YES, my routines have kicked in. I made my bed in the hotel BOTH MORNINGS! LOL My kids & I kept our morning and evening routines, as well. It is official!

Here's my stats for this week:

Here's my update for this week
Dawn- Starting weight: 280 Current Weight: 255

6/29 7/15 7/20 7/26
54 52 52 51
48.5 48.5 48.5 47.5
61 61 61 61
L Thigh
27 27 26 25
R Thigh
27 27 25.5 25
L Calf
20 19.5 19.5 19
R Calf
20 19.5 19.5 19.5
L Arm
14 13.5 13.25 13.25
R Arm
15 14 14 14

15 15 15 14.5
Total Loss

2.5 4.5 2.75 4.5

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'm back :)

Well, my fellow flybabies are doing awesome, and I'm so proud of all of you! I know that Millie's having a tough time with her family right now, but Millie - we're here when you need us! :)

My weekend went pretty good. For the most part, I was able to make healthy choices, and got some exercise in as well. We walked nearly 5 miles on Saturday at the concert!

And as some of you who visit my other blog know, I revealed my "Other" identity there yesterday, so I'll do the same here. My "other" identity is Lady Calliah and my blog, A Kinky Woman's Guide to the Universe had been a great sounding board for me and the various things that run through my thoughts. I hope that my regular readers from there will also come here and support me & my fly baby friends in our efforts to get healthier and live longer, sexier lives :)

Oh, and have I mentioned?

I've lost 25 lbs!!

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Nothing huge to report, I'm sorry I've not been on more. Please be patient with me while I sort out my life, hehe.

I am having to work extra hours at work because we are hurting so badly for money. My days are no less hectic then when Chris was having to take tests everyday. I don't know where my time has went and I feel a bit disorientated.

I am working diligently on drinking more fluids though and am making good progress. I am up to three 20 ounce bottles of fluid a day. I know it is not enough, but, I used to be lucky to make it through one. Slow steady steps and maybe I'll get to where I'm going. I think I might even be enjoying the taste of fresh bottled water. Imagine that.

Keep flying my dearest, between all of us, we will make it. Keep smiling and just a note about something that helps me like crazy to get motivated and get my work done. Put on music. Upbeat fun stuff that you can sing and dance to as you do your work.