Sunday, July 24, 2005


Nothing huge to report, I'm sorry I've not been on more. Please be patient with me while I sort out my life, hehe.

I am having to work extra hours at work because we are hurting so badly for money. My days are no less hectic then when Chris was having to take tests everyday. I don't know where my time has went and I feel a bit disorientated.

I am working diligently on drinking more fluids though and am making good progress. I am up to three 20 ounce bottles of fluid a day. I know it is not enough, but, I used to be lucky to make it through one. Slow steady steps and maybe I'll get to where I'm going. I think I might even be enjoying the taste of fresh bottled water. Imagine that.

Keep flying my dearest, between all of us, we will make it. Keep smiling and just a note about something that helps me like crazy to get motivated and get my work done. Put on music. Upbeat fun stuff that you can sing and dance to as you do your work.


Buffalo said...

Lack of water is one of my major problems. Drink a ton of coffee, but hate water.

Dawn said...


Remember? We're doing this in baby steps. Keep up the good work!