Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'm back :)

Well, my fellow flybabies are doing awesome, and I'm so proud of all of you! I know that Millie's having a tough time with her family right now, but Millie - we're here when you need us! :)

My weekend went pretty good. For the most part, I was able to make healthy choices, and got some exercise in as well. We walked nearly 5 miles on Saturday at the concert!

And as some of you who visit my other blog know, I revealed my "Other" identity there yesterday, so I'll do the same here. My "other" identity is Lady Calliah and my blog, A Kinky Woman's Guide to the Universe had been a great sounding board for me and the various things that run through my thoughts. I hope that my regular readers from there will also come here and support me & my fly baby friends in our efforts to get healthier and live longer, sexier lives :)

Oh, and have I mentioned?

I've lost 25 lbs!!


Dawn said...

thanks my friend!

Dawn said...

thanks so much for the support you guys!