Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Guess what I just found out? I found out that the Shop-Rite grocery store not 20 miles from us has ONLINE SERVICE! You do your shopping online and tell them when you will pick it it. You drive it at your convenience and BAM, it's done, bagged up and put into your car for you. You can use your coupons and they only charge $10.00 for the service! Hot damn, I would pay that and drive three hours NOT to go to the stupid grocery. Guess who is going to sign up tonight! And here I thought I would have to go there before the little men return home. NOPE, I will just drive up! Betcha's are jealous..na na na na na. LMAO Maybe if I toss in another fiver they will come home and put it all away for me. Naaaaaaaaah, guess you can't have everything!!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

SHOW OFF! SHOW OFF! You deserve a spanking for that ;)