Tuesday, June 07, 2005

On the road to a new beginning

First of all, I want to thank Dawn and Pheonix for inviting me to join their group. I am hoping that with a little love and alot of female support, I too will be able to lose some of the weight I have that seems to weigh me down in more ways than one.

I do not have all of my stats just yet, but I can tell you that I weigh in at 226 pounds. The other stats will come when I have more time.

I am hoping to post here daily. I suffer from serious stomach ailments that make dieting very hard for me. Unlike Dawn and Pheonix, I am not going to use the low carb diet. Rather I am going to try to cut out the foods that I find are unhealthy for me and try to excersise more often.

My darling husband and I are serious gamers and avid movie buffs. I hate working outside. I hate extreme heat or extreme cold. This makes for a very lazy Nikki. I like to stay inside where I can control the tempature.

Lately, due to my illness. I have fallen by the wayside in not only my eating habits, but my wifely duties as far as house duties are concerned. It is easy for me to do because I know that Chris will always pick up the slack. He may not vacume or dust, but he always makes sure the main things are done. The dishes, the floor is kept free of clutter, that kind of thing. I want to go back to being the wife who isn't suffering from C.H.A.O.S.

So, here is a toast to the three of us. Win or lose, gain or drop, clean or dirty, we are joining one another on an amazingly difficult journey. It wil be hard and I expect it to take a very long time for all of us to get where we want to be. I say, when, not if, but when, we all get to where we want to be, we will get together and have a girl's night out.

That is my goal anyway. To feel good enough about myself to feel as if I have earned such a remarkable reward.

>lifts glass of water<

To two very remarkable women and my gratitude for being allowed to join in on this journey.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Woohoo nikki! glad to have you with us.