Sunday, June 05, 2005

In the beginning...

Dawn: yeah, in the begining, god created man... ok, so that's up for discussion, but SOMEONE created carbs, dammit.

and I'd like to be the first in history to declare that I WANT TO BEAT THAT PERSON to death with a loaf of French bread. No... really.... I do.

My cohort over there & I are working together on this. We both need to get more control of our lives, and that takes many forms. We both want to lose some weight (both knowing we'll never be stick chicks), and we both needed some help & guidance with our household nightmares. Nightmares cuz we hate housework.

pheonix: Good grief. my house has been a mess since i moved out of my parent's house when i was 17 years old. i am hideous about keeping on top of it. But, the lovely Dawn showed me the flylady website. And, i'm trying to learn to fly. With my partner in crime there. We are flybabies. Fly stands for Finally Love Yourself. Which i need to do. What about you Dawn? How long have you C.H.A.O.S. in your house?

Dawn: Forever, it seems. Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrom has lived in my house since I moved out at 20. And with that comes the self-loathing and the "why can't I do this?" attitude that just sucks. Self-defeatists, I believe the Flylady would call us, phoenix. But that's about to change, right?!

phoenix: Yes, enough is enough. We are tired of living our lives this way. And, thus this blog. So we can help one another stick to our new low carb lifestyle and to fly. Our bodies will be so healthy and we'll fly so well... we will soar!

Dawn: Smooches to my bud - we can do this!

"I have three rules that I live by. Don’t sweat the small stuff; what doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter. Laugh everyday; Even if it is at yourself. Love like there is no tomorrow!!" ~ FlyLady

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