- Fold all the laundry
- Do the dishes
- Change my sheets
- Clean my room
- Clean the bathroom
Friday, December 10, 2010
Flybaby Reporting For Duty!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
digging out
So, I had to go out of town unexpectedly last week, and then came home with my MSA (mysterious stomach ailment) that had me in bed another 2 days – meanwhile, my house was falling apart and it was just making me feel worse.
But then, as I was walking through the house, I realized that even with it messy, it was still 1000% better than it had been, and that even with it messy, I’d still let a friend come over. SO maybe my concept of messy has changed. This morning, it took me about an hour but I got my kitchen cleaned up FROM THANKSGIVING and hubby having reign over the kitchen for the duration. It didn’t take that long, and it wasn’t as hard as I expected it would be. The stove is shiny, the sink is shiny. The dishes are ALL clean.
The laundry was handled with 2 loads.
My bathroom is still shiny, though it could use a sweep.
My bedroom and the living room, though, are collecting clutter and I’ll try and work on that today.
My mind is distracted so it’s hard to not see the problem areas everywhere I look – I’m so afraid that the clutter is going to take over again. I know the slippery slope that is – getting overwhelmed and giving up. So I’m trying to fight back. It’s just hard in the mental state I’m in.
So, my accomplishments today:
- made hubby’s lunch
- weighed in on wii.
- breakfast for the kids.
- homework for the kids.
- dishes are all washed
- kitchen is washed down
- laundry is working
next up
- lunch for kids
- dinner planned
- switching around living room and in-depth vacuuming
- vacuum hallway, crevices too.
- straighten up bags of clothes in my room, in-depth vacuuming
- swish & swipe the bathroom.
Friday, November 19, 2010
It’s a strange feeling – pretty alien to me – that my house is now, finally, company ready. Like, I don’t have to panic if someone rings my bell. Seriously – it’s strange.
and nice.
No idea if I can keep it like this, but I guess if I want to continue my life with my family as it is, I have to. Of course, it’s worth it… but can my depression allow me to see past the mess when they make a mess? Can I make myself SEE that it can be cleaned up again? Or will old habits fall back into place?
I’m thinking of posting a a series of pictures each week to prove my house is clean.
Then again, since I can’t really be relied upon to do anything with certainty, I don’t know that that would work either.
I *do* know that if I let things go back to the way they were, he’ll leave me – us – and we’ll be in trouble.
Today’s accomplishments:
- weighed in w/wii
- swept and washed the kitchen floor
- cleaned my bathroom from top to bottom, washed the floor
- lunch is next.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday 11/16
Today, the entire day will be spent cleaning my bedroom, which is a repository for everything else in the house with nowhere to go. A large portion of it is clothes that no longer fit my children that had originally been going into a yard sale that never happened. But I just found out about a program called thredUP that lets you trade your kids clothes that they've grown out of for other clothes that they will fit into. So I'm hoping to make use of THAT while getting rid of some of the clutter. The link I just provided is an affiliates link, so if you sign up for your free account, I get $3. Just letting you know :)
In any case, I'm hoping my FLYBABY buddy, angel, will be online to help me fly without overdoing things. I miss her. :(
I'll check back later when I've accomplished more than making hubby's lunch and my coffee.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I was able to keep up with the two clean rooms during the weekend. Although I noticed how fast the empty spaces fill up, and it's so frustrating. My oldest son and I really worked hard on those rooms and we don't want them falling back into a shambles again. So he purposely made sure to pick up whenever he went into the living room, and I kept the kitchen table and counters clear. It is a struggle, to be sure.
Today, I've:
- worked for a couple of hours on a logo for a friend. Finally mailed it to her, and although it was exactly what she wanted, she's decided to go in a slightly different direction. But at least she liked it.
- weighed in with wii fit, but didn't work out - another thing that fell aside when I didn't do it on the weekend.
- had breakfast
- took vitamins & st. john's wort
- called about our dead modem, something hubby's been nagging me to do for weeks.
- called about a clinic that I can go to for my depression issues
- Did school with the kids.
- Have run the washer, and already folded and put away clothes from dryer.
- made lunch
- we have 4H tonight and a special dinner with them, so I don't have to make dinner here.
- wrote a product review
- washed the walls in the hall way, and son vacuumed it. Also cleared the clothes out from there,
- and emptied a box of miscellaneous.
- emptied a tote bag I'd brought back from a trip IN AUGUST.
- working with the timer, 15 on, 15 off.
It's 2:15.
Friday, November 12, 2010
hurt and anger
So far, I've:
- made a loaf of bread in the bread machine
- mad breakfast for me& and the kids
- read a book to DD
- finally made a pediatrician appt for my oldest
- called old ped. to get records switched.
- worked out for 20 min on wii fit
- no water yet.
- took my vitamins & st. john's - need to remember that on a daily basis.
- cleared 2 more counters in the kitchen
- washed them down top to bottom
- cleaned my stove top and hood
- emptied the dishwasher and reloaded
- washed the dishes that wouldn't fit.
- made lunch
- blogged
- washed the kitchen floor - it hadn't been done since MARCH.
- put dinner on - homemade beef stew
- put another loaf of bread in the bread machine, since the kids ate most of the 1st
- scrubbed the stove rings (those things that the burners go in)
- finally cleaned off the table - the biggest hotspot in the kitchen.
When ya coming for coffee, Angel?! :D
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Today's Progress
What did I manage today?
I cleaned my bedroom and put away laundry and folded some. I cleaned up the front room and straightened up the master bath.
I have not yet worked out
I have not done any stupid hustling or even looked at craigslist or anything else.
I have told myself that I'm great with my son and I deserve the absolute adoration he lavishes on me.
My accomplishments today:
- worked on a graphic for a friend for 2 hours - only it was totally not what she wanted.
- made breakfast for me & the kids.
- read about Venus with them, as we're studying the planets.
- worked out on wii fit for 20 minutes.
Well, for the rest of the day, I did ok. Still in lots of pain, though, so I took longer breaks than I should have. Eh.
- Made lunch for the kids and I.
- Washed the walls, counter tops and cupboard doors in the kitchen.
- Decluttered 3 of the counters, swept.
- washed the dishes
- made dinner (2 different ones, actually) for everyone
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
New me... new Goals
Goal one- Keep my three rooms clean. Clean daily.
Goal two- Work out 5 days a week
Goal three- No stupid hustling... if you need something to do... ask somebody... somebody ALWAYS needs something
Goal four- Say something nice to myself everyday
annnnnnd we're back.
- vacuumed the living room - at least the parts that are now free of stuff.
- scrubbed the crayon off 2 of the walls.
- had breakfast
- drank a glass of water, am working on #2.
- helped DD read.
- played a board game that she made.
- Did 15 minutes on wii fit.
- Continued with the living room. Just one section left!
- made lunch for the kids
- updated this blog!
- had another glass of water.
- worked in 15 minute increments!