Tuesday, November 30, 2010

digging out

So, I had to go out of town unexpectedly last week, and then came home with my MSA (mysterious stomach ailment) that had me in bed another 2 days – meanwhile, my house was falling apart and it was just making me feel worse.

But then, as I was walking through the house, I realized that even with it messy, it was still 1000% better than it had been, and that even with it messy, I’d still let a friend come over.   SO maybe my concept of messy has changed.  This morning, it took me about an hour but I got my kitchen cleaned up FROM THANKSGIVING and hubby having reign over the kitchen for the duration.  It didn’t take that long, and it wasn’t as hard as I expected it would be.  The stove is shiny, the sink is shiny.  The dishes are ALL clean.

The laundry was handled with 2 loads.

My bathroom is still shiny, though it could use a sweep.

My bedroom and the living room, though, are collecting clutter and I’ll try and work on that today.

My mind is distracted so it’s hard to not see the problem areas everywhere I look – I’m so afraid that the clutter is going to take over again.  I know the slippery slope that is – getting overwhelmed and giving up. So I’m trying to fight back.  It’s just hard in the mental state I’m in.

So, my accomplishments today:

  • made hubby’s lunch
  • weighed in on wii.
  • breakfast for the kids.
  • homework for the kids.
  • dishes are all washed
  • kitchen is washed down
  • laundry is working

next up

  • lunch for kids
  • dinner planned
  • switching around living room and in-depth vacuuming
  • vacuum hallway, crevices too.
  • straighten up bags of clothes in my room, in-depth vacuuming
  • swish & swipe the bathroom.

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