Friday, August 19, 2005


i have not been doing good on my diet. i have not been exercising or doing anything for me. it's like i have decided i am going to take a vacation. i haven't gained but i haven't lost. i am in the process of making out a menu list for the week and getting the grocery list made up. hopefully this will keep me on track. on the exercise front. my cousin almost has her building up so i can start exercising over there. she has tons of equipment.

i have busted butt in the house for the last couple days. i still have a lot to do, but it's much better. Hubby even got rid of a bunch of old papers for me :) i have got to get the house in tip top shape by the 30th. that's the first night of my sign language class.

on a romantic front, Hubby is taking me out on a date tomorrow night :D i don't know where we are going or what we are going to do. guess we will decide when we get to where we are going.

it's time for me to get up and get busy around here. keep up the good work everyone!

1 comment:

Mister Scott said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! I enjoyed my visit to your blog and best wishes...;-)

Earth House Hold