Monday, August 22, 2005

Today's Accomplishments

Today was a busy hectic day for me. For starters my pain in the ass sister was here before my alarm even went off wanting things. *sigh* my family is a PAIN IN THE ASS!
But, i still managed to get a hell of a lot done.

Today i:

* Made the beds

* Did the dishes

* Folded two loads of laundry and put them in their appropriate rooms

* Washed a load of laundry and dried it

* Polished my furniture

* Washed down my coffee table

* Wiped down my kitchen surfaces

* Cleaned the doors on my refridgerator

* Cleaned all the glass in my house including tvs, glass doors on entertainment center, computer monitor and mirrors

* Cleaned my bathroom (breaking the back of the toilet in the process and cutting my hand dammit)

* Vaccumned my floors

* Cooked breakfast and dinner

* Got Bkid off for his first day of school

* Filled out my fitday

* Blogged

i also went with J to the city i weigh in and tried to get a car. (Didn't work out) Paid back my loan. And, shopped for clothes.

All in all a very productive day. But, i admit, i desperately missed the other flybabies.

How's it going for you guys?

1 comment:

Dawn said...

WOW!!! and here I thought you were sitting around watching soaps and eating bonbons ;)

Excellent job, angel ! I'm so proud of you!