I'm sorry we've left you hanging. We've both been going through "stuff", I guess - plus we both maintain several other blogs, so sometimes, there's just nothing left.
However, I know that angel & I both appreciate your time and effort and are happy to see you're making strides. It's not always lbs that count, but inches - do you do your measurements? Now that I'm a little bit more pregnant, I'm disconcerted to see my measurements going the other way, but only in the baby areas LOL Before baby, though, I'd lost 80 inches, so I was pretty proud of that.
Today, angel & I have been flying and we took before & after pics to show our progress. I'm gonna post the ones I've done so far, while waiting for angel to get her man off to work.
This morning, I worked on the bathroom and hallway/stairs. In just 15 minutes, both areas were literally transformed.
The hall was less challenging, but I DID also vacuum the stairs - with an upright vacuum with NO ATTACHMENTS - I think I got my cardio in for the day.
So, that's my update, and again, my apologies to violet for not posting more. I'll try to do better, and WTG on figuring out what's triggering you to stop losing, and how you plan to fix it. Thanks!
well it's good to know I'm not the only one with these issues
so why am I sitting here instead of working out or cleaning my house? hehehe
kitty, the only reason I got anything done was because of angel. add us to your yahoo pager and you can fly with us :)
I have a yahoo pager? hehehe I'm sure I do... but where?
*rummaging through the clutter*
I certainly understand about stuff happening. Hope things smooth out for you both soon. You are so right about pounds not being the only way to measure progress. I really haven't made much progress recently, so I have only done measurements 3 times this year: January, April, and July. If I lose another few pounds, maybe again in September.
I've been thinking of you lots and hoping your pregnancy is going well. I remember how discouraged I was 6 years ago when my OB told me at my first appointment NOT to try to lose any more weight. I had just lost 15 pounds before I got pregnant and thought maybe I could continue trying safe things for a little while at least. She was probably right, though. Hey, if you focus on taking care of you and the baby and doing a little exercise when you can and building up from there, I'll bet you really lose the pounds quickly after the baby. So don't be too discouraged about the weight gain--it's just temporary. I lost about 25 pounds the first month after my 2 babies were born, without really trying.
Glad to hear that you and Angel have been flying. You did make a huge difference in just a few minutes. Vacuuming the stairs sounds like a really tough job. We don't have stairs, but I’m usually exhausted by the time we finish our "blessing."
After nearly 3 years with FlyLady, I often feel like I'm still only fluttering, but we have made progress. We didn't get our weekly home blessing done till Wednesday this week. It sure does make the house nicer, and I feel so much better after we get it done. We still need to do lots of decluttering around here, especially paper clutter. I have had lots of fun lately flinging clothes that are too big. It won't be long till I'll have to go shopping to find some more clothes--that's so much more fun than it used to be! It was great to hear from you again. Take care!
I wish i could clean like that.
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