I know - we both suck - we haven't updated this blog in a huge amount of time, but it's kinda for good reasons. Ya know... LIFE.
Ok, not always good stuff, but hey, it happens.
I'm down to 205, but I'M PREGNANT.
So I guess I won't be stayign there long
Angel's back down to the 220's, after having a setback (or 4)
We're not necessarily flying like we should, but at least we're not in hell like we used to be.
Anyways, we've invited Violet to join us - hopefully, she'll get us back on track!
I'm so glad you're back! Don't be discouraged about the weight--just keep taking care of yourself. If you're not already doing it, walking is a wonderful exercise for most anyone, even pregnant women, and may slow down the weight gain. FlyLady says you can do anything for 15 minutes, but when I first started walking again last fall, I started with 10 minute walks--5 minutes away from the house, and 5 minutes back.
You are at a better starting place for your pregnancy than I was with mine. I lost 15 pounds just before my second pregnancy, and still started at 235 pounds. I had so hoped that I wouldn't gain the 40 pounds that I did the first time, but still gained 39 and hit 274. That wasn't the biggest problem, though. I had 2 other kids at home then, was tired and depressed a lot, and hit my pregnancy high weight AGAIN when my baby was 6 months old. (He just turned 5.) I'm confident that YOU will be able to lose the weight quickly after your baby is born, and keep right on soaring toward your goal!
thank you for that, violet. I'm doing good so far, but those lovely pregnancy STUFF that goes along with the first term SUCKS and makes my weight bounce around. I'm back at 205, though, so we'll see!
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