Monday, July 10, 2006

I need help

I need my fly sister to help me drag myself out of the depths of selfloathing and worthlessness! My house is a wreck, and I can't seem to care enough to DO anything about it. I hate it when this happens!!!!! I spent the better part of yesterday just sitting here, reading other pregnancy blogs, watching tv, and in general, doing NOTHING - except I DID clean off my desk. I know, the first trimester is kicking my ass with fatigue and nausea but still - my family NEEDS a clean house, dammit.


violet said...

Congratulations! Hope the nausea passes quickly. The nausea was much worse with my second pregnancy, 10 years after my first one, and lasted for about 4 weeks. I can certainly sympathize with you. FlyLady says to take care of yourself first so you CAN take care of your family. I'm slowly learning that even if I feel really bad, I usually feel better if I just get dressed to shoes and make my bed. Hang in there!

Dawn said...

thanks violet :) I do get dressed to shoes just about every day _ sometimes only to sandals, but hey, it's something! :)