Wednesday, February 15, 2006

ok, I suck

It's been forever since I've posted here. I'm sorry to those of you who do come to check us out and see what we're up to.

I get discouraged when I don't lose anything in weeks. I'm still losing inches, but not as many as I used to. I'm happy that spring is almost here and hopefully, warmer weather so I can get to walking again. I'm still hovering around 205, though I'd hit 203 and then the next day was up to 208! I keep gaining and losing those same 3 lbs or so, but I have alot to blame it on LOL

Hubby's out of work. He's home all the time. So I have alot of distraction and so I don't fly, I eat more and am rather disconnected.

It's making me nuts!!

But we're working on getting new routines set up so that we 're both happy. We're working on getting our business tarted up, plus we're going on "vacation" in about 10 days, which I'm DREADING because southern cooking is NOT low-carb. I AM very very excited to be meeting my fellow flybaby & blogmate and awesome friend, Angel, on the trip though! I'm going to spank her silly for falling on her butt, and then I'm gonna pick her up, dust her off and set her off flying once again.

So if you don't hear from me, that's why - I'm getting us all ready to travel and try to stay healthy. For now, here's how I celebrated hitting 75.

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1 comment:

violet said...

Dawn, I think you're doing great--78 pounds is a lot! Have you tried FLYLady's body clutter investigator? I don't always use it, but do track how much water I'm drinking. My recent high weight was 260 in August. I exercised for 8 weeks, lost 15 pounds, then quit. Gained 8 back by January. We’ve been trying to stay low-carb again, and started back walking 3 weeks ago. The weight loss is much slower than I'd like--only 9 pounds in 6 weeks for a total of 16 pounds lost (and re-lost) since August. I am 36 and have been overweight for almost 10 years, and would like to avoid developing diabetes like my mom did.

By the way, don't worry too much about our southern food. Many people here do low-carb, so restaurants offer more choices these days. Buffets usually have a good variety of foods. Hope you enjoy your trip.

Angel, your story is encouraging, too. Look how far you came last summer! Best wishes for getting back on track.

Your stories help me to believe that I can do this, too! I am new to blogging, but may I join your group?